Hungarian Baptist Aid in Kiev
Szerző: Főadmin Bejegyzés: 2014. február 21., péntek 12:36
Next day our workers met the Ukrainian Baptist leaders and gave them the subsidy, which made further pursuit of treatments possible. That day the fight ended and more injured came to the Baptist churches, which functioned as hospitals. Our workers also gave medicine donations to people in the Saint Michael cathedral. Widespread collaboration yielded the accumulation for medicine, bandages, and other donations that are enough for months. According to their reports it seems that there was peace in Kiev and people were trusting.
On the same day the new president of the Ukrainian Parliament was elected. Aleksandr Turchinov who is a Baptist pastor and leader of the Word of Life Church in Kiev, became the leader of the temporary government. He has already participated in politics for a long time and he was the prime minister after the resignation of Julia Timosenkó in 2005.
Hungarian Baptist welcomed the decision and they hope that the new leadership can stabilize the situation in Kiev and peace will be restored in Ukraine.

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The Hungarian President and the Ambassador of Turkey thanked the rescuers who returned home
On the afternoon of February 14, the President of Hungary, Katalin Novák greeted the Hungarian rescuers who helped Turkey, including members of Hungarian Baptist Aid’s HUBA Rescue24 team, in ’Sándor Palota’ (Sándor Palace).

The rescue team of Hungarian Baptist Aid has returned home from Turkey
The HUBA Rescue24 rescue team of Hungarian Baptist Aid has completed its mission in Antakya, Turkey. The team arrived at Liszt Ferenc Airport on Sunday morning, where they were greeted with flowers and applause by the representatives of the Turkish Embassy, along with family members, colleagues and workers of the press.